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MIDI2DMX Control Center

The software allows configuring PRO or BASIC versions in User Mode(8). It serves to choose active work modes for the BASIC version of the controller, defining offset for CC and reaction for Note Off command.
Additionnally it is used to load firmware into the device and testing the USB connection.

User Mode is especially helpful for Midi Drums users.

The User Mode allows to program individual reactions of the DMX channel for incoming MIDI messages. There are 5 different ways to control each DMX channel, depending on set rules or data incoming form MIDI interface.
Prepared data may be read from the device, written back to the device and stored in a disk file for future use. Using commands from standard menu user can clear all data in the device, prepare empty data for all DMX channels for future editing, save edited data to disk, read data from and write data to device. Using context menu (right mouse button) over the table, user may copy or move data between channels, add and/or edit description of the channel etc. Writing data to device clears all previously stored DMX channels.

Please consult the maual for detailed description.

Table shows sample sets of the control data included in DMXUser_sample_1.csv file, available with software.

We can help with preparation of custom settings for our customers.

mid2dmx - programmer


Download the latest version of the MIDI2DMX Control Center (zip, Windows wersion). Program's look differs comparing to old version shown here. Refer to the current instruction manual.

Basic & Pro:

Download the latest version of the MIDI2DMX Control Center (zip, Windows wersion).